2025 Says Summit College Day
Friday, May 2, 2024
9am-5pm at UC Davis ARC Conference Center
What is the SAYS Summit College Day?
The annual SAYS Summit College Day is a transformative experience designed to introduce middle and high school students to the college environment in a meaningful and inspiring way. Bringing together hundreds of young people from diverse regions, schools, and backgrounds, the event fosters learning, connection, and celebration. Students engage in a culturally relevant college experience that includes mentoring, workshops, empowerment tools, and immersive art practices that break down barriers and misconceptions about college. In addition to receiving a T-shirt, swag bag, program, and meals, participants gain valuable insights and strategies to help them navigate their academic journeys. The SAYS Summit creates a powerful and inclusive space that uplifts at-promise youth, equipping them with the confidence and resources to pursue and thrive in higher education.
For tickets and registration information, contact Patrice Hill: pathill@ucdavis.edu and/or Denisha “Coco” Bland: djbland@ucdavis.edu
Crew Leaders Application: https://forms.gle/win5ggVE7KiVKNKx6

The best part of the summit was “looking at UC Davis, seeing what college will be like.”
– Middle School Student
“My favorite part of the SAYS Summit is the workshops and how they allow kids to be interactive. You guys did great. Thank you for the opportunity to be in the SAYS family.”
– Continuation School Student
“SAYS is really powerful. It makes me want to be somebody and make a change in my community, society, world. I love the vibe. Keep doing what you do. I feel every teen should go to the SAYS Summit.”
– Continuation School Student
“Looking at UC Davis and getting to understand a little bit about college life... I wouldn’t mind going here at all.”
– High School Student